Häufig erwische ich mich selbst dabei, dass ich mich in alltäglichen Situationen gestresst fühle, ohne genau benennen zu können, warum das so ist. Obwohl der Arbeitsalltag wie gewohnt verläuft und keine…
Kenneth and I met at a Fashion Show in Berlin – and we quickly connected via Instagram, since to be honest the best part about these events is to get to…
If you follow my Instagram, you’re probably aware that I tend to relocate at least once a year, whether it’s due to changing countries or upgrading my living situation. While I…
Kennt ihr diese Tage, an denen euch eine fremde Person auf der Straße, in einem Café oder in der U-Bahn einfach so ein Lächeln schenkt und diese kleine Geste euch einfach…
This blog post is about some tactics that I have gathered from my experience and from close friends about how to deal with moments of struggle (or phases of big life…
I’ve always been a stickler for doing things the „right“ way. In fact, I’d go so far as to say I’ve been excellent at it. I don’t hesitate to admit it,…
Every once in a while we all need those cozy weekends, in which we just stay at home in our comfy home wear and focus only on one thing: regaining energy!…
Sometimes you have to go back to where it all started to remind yourself about your motivations, intention and goals you had. I started with my blog back in May 2012.…
I believe it’s no secret that fall is everybody’s favorite season for fashion. With temperatures not too high – so that you simply want to stay in your bikini all day…