
MBFW Berlin 2017 Day Three – Warm & Stylish

warm & stylish

Day three of Mercedes Benz Fashionweek Berlin has arrived and I had made one major learning from the two days before – Don’t wear light clothes when it’s freezing outside only because you want to look good. And who said you cannot wear something warm & stylish at the same time? Well yes, it’s not impossible but it’s also not that easy. The purpose of warm clothes is functional; they are primarily not supposed to be stylish. This obviously is not always the case but most of the time it certainly is. Anyway, on day three I grabbed the prettiest warm stuff I have and simply started layering. Despite ripped jeans, I must say that this warm & stylish outfit felt like heaven compared to my other two looks the days before. I felt like I could resist Siberian winters, haha.

So, what was on my plan on day three? Networking, networking, networking! I used the day in order to go to a couple of blogger events like the Hashmag Blogger Lounge or the Leck mich am Hashtag Blogger Brunch, where I got in contact with so many nice colleagues plus I was provided with good fooooood. Other than that, I went to the Panorama Trade Show and had a look at the designers‘ new collections. By the way, those trade shows are also the perfect opportunity for bloggers to find new potential collaboration partners. So, for all of you bloggers, I can only recommend visiting those trade shows. I ended the day with a nice dinner with some friends at an Asian restaurant and went to bed at like 10pm. Fashionweek can be pretty exhausting… especially when it’s cold… brrr…. but it was also so much fun and exciting – can’t wait for my next Fashionweek!

// I’m Wearing:
Jacket –
Jeans – Hollister
Net Stockings – no name
Turtleneck – H&M
Boots – &Other Stories

Shop the Look:

warm & stylish warm & stylish warm & stylish warm & stylish warm & stylish warm & stylishDesigual_bag

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  • Reply
    5. Februar 2017 at 11:37

    I love your coat!

  • Reply
    9. Februar 2017 at 0:29

    Toller Look, die Netzstrumpfhosen Idee find ich nach wie vor klasse!
    LG Eli

  • Reply
    25. Februar 2017 at 8:47

    Yasss Gurl <3 It's actually harder to be "stylish" with less clothes haha!

  • Reply
    28. Februar 2017 at 8:30

    Du musst in Berlin viele Sehenswürdigkeiten auf den Straßen angezogen haben.

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