Outfit Thoughts

Autumn Favorites: Grey Overknees meet Red Coat

Overknees Konstantin Starke Grau

You guys know by now how much I like to think about certain trends. Although you cant really consider overknees a „trend“ anymore and in my opinion have become an autumn essential, there is still something controversial about them – at least from a societal point of view.

Over the last years we are seeing more and more women wearing overknees, but still I feel like society cant really deal with it yet. Let me explain to you what I mean by claiming that. Well, I clearly see how people keep staring at my legs every time I wear mine… and I’ve heard that from a lot of girls wearing overknees. People would not do so if we wore sneakers, right? There are many reasons why people stare and most of the time it’s because they see something extraordinary or odd; something that does not fit the status quo. But overknees are not really a new and unusual trend – So what’s the deal?  Unfortunately society still misinterprets some types of clothing. A widespread belief is that women dress up to impress men, but true fashionistas only care about fashion, the designs, the material, the composition, the art. Do you really think a Chiara Ferragni wears a short skirt with the aim to look sexy? It’s a pity but I feel like overknees also kind of fall into this „mini-skirt-scheme“. Honestly, I do not care about what people think about my clothes, but I always try to avoid sending the wrong signals to the – lets say mostly fashion-ignorant majority of people. So in order to dampen the effect, I always try to combine my grey overknees with something more casual and comfy, like this oversized knit, a long coat and stockings. It’s really sad that some clothes carry a certain negative connotation and that people think in stereotypes. Although I am always pro challenging the status quo, it still kinda intimidates me when many people stare at me. However, you can only fight stereotypes if you work against them and not by adjusting to people’s narrow mindsets and comfort zones.

I’m Wearing:
Red Coat – ZARA
Pullover – EDITED
Grey Overknees – Konstantin Starke via Zumnorde
Leather Skirt – Mango


Boots / Coat / Bag / Lipstick / Skirt / Watch / Pullover

Overknees Konstantin Starke Grau
Overknees Konstantin Starke Grey Overknees Konstantin Starke Grau
Overknees Konstantin Starke Grau

Red Coat Overknees Konstantin Starke Grey
Overknees Konstantin Starke Grey

Overknees Konstantin Starke GrauRed Coat

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  • Reply
    7. November 2016 at 23:08

    Voll schön das Outfit!! Der Pulli ist aber nicht der gleiche wie der von dem Link, oder? Von welcher Marke ist der denn und gibt’s den vielleicht noch? Bin nämlich auch noch auf der Suche nach einem Oversized Winterpulli :) LG

  • Reply
    8. November 2016 at 22:04

    Oh, was für ein super schöner Look! <3 Der Pullover ist der Hammer, würde ich genau so auch kombinieren :)
    Liebste Grüße,

  • Reply
    Mother's Day Flowers
    21. November 2016 at 11:33

    I am a dude hence has no knowledge regarding flowers.

    Found that it’s just simpler to purchase them on the internet.

    Most especially for guys just like me who has no knowledge about flowers
    but still, I send it to my woman and of course, my mom.

  • Reply
    7. April 2021 at 23:25

    A real elegant lady! An unusual, beautiful and sensual combination!

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