
An Easy and Comfy Outfit for Summer Days


Back in Germany and it is indeed – Summer! Well, on some of the days it’s summer… on the other days its an undefinable BLEH. Anyway, it’s well known that summer and warm temperatures makes you a lazy person, and this does also apply to putting together and wearing outfits… at least for me. It is so warm, all you want to think of is which ice cream flavor you will try out next. And then you look inside your closet and all you find is your super tight shorts and croptops… that does not look too comfy and you wish you could simply wear nothing in this weather. Well, you can’t really wear nothing, so the best alternative is to wear an easy and comfy outfit for summer, preferably something loose that hides your still-not-ready-for-summer body a little bit. That’s exactly what I did the other day when I went into the city. I just put on my loose, black jumpsuit and combined it with a statement snakeprint bag and heels. I mean, the look should not look too boring, so I thought some snakeprint might spice things up a little. And that’s it, the look is done and now the only thing you have to care about is getting out of this jumpsuit when it’s time to go to the restroom again… #jumpsuitstruggles

// What I’m wearing:
Jumpsuit – Reserved Clothing
Heels –

Jumpsuit, reverseZülch_bag2

Einteiler Zülch_bag




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  • Reply
    16. Juli 2016 at 10:36

    I hope we will have more opportunities in Germany to wear such outfits! So far it doesn’t look that good :( anyways great outfit and I agree with the comfiness :)

    Kind regards!

    Sarah – a passport can get you everywhere

  • Reply
    16. Juli 2016 at 17:51

    Sieht klasse aus, voll die schönen Schuhe!

  • Reply
    Remi Sabbah
    29. Juli 2016 at 21:19

    Perfect outfit black is always classy, I love the twist with the bag! <3 xxx
    Check out what's new on the blog: http://remisabbah.com/blog/
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