
Berlin Fashion Week 2017 Day 1 – Embellished Denim Vest

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Only three days before Berlin Fashion Week started I spontaneously decided that I will book a train from Copenhagen to Berlin. Until then I was convinced that I am going to miss it because I would have just moved to CPH and because it would have collided with my first hours of summer school. Well, have you ever heard about FOMO? It stands for Fear of Missing Out – and this is exactly what I had. I received a couple of super cool invitations to shows and events and I just could not let go of them. Sure, my first priority should be university, but then I thought… it’s just one week I am missing – one week of content I could easily catch up with when I am back. YOLO! Haha, so I booked, went back to Berlin and had an amazing week. And now looking back, I do not regret it at all. It was such a fun experience – I’ve met so many cool bloggers and got inspired by amazing shows, designs and could also take a look backstage.

Because everything was so last minute, I didn’t really have a lot of time to make up my mind about the outfits I will be wearing. So I just put all the stuff I like into my suitcase and decided to figure out the right combinations when I am in Berlin. Quite risky, but it worked out. I managed to create four really nice looks and I am showing you the first one today, featuring my highlight: This embellished denim vest! And apparently the press also liked the look, because I was lucky to be photographed by a couple of street style photographers!

In my next post I am happy to share some backstage insights with you… followed by my other looks.


// I’m Wearing:
Embellished denim vest * – French Connection
Pants – Mango
Shoes* – ASOS<
Bag – Jimmy Choo


embellished denim vest embellished denim vest embellished denim vest embellished denim vest jimmy choo bag ranim helwani embellished denim vest embellished denim vest embellished denim vest jimmy choo bag ranim helwani

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  • Reply
    14. Juli 2017 at 18:05

    Ich habe deinen Blog eben erst entdeckt und dein Style ist wirklich toll – Respekt!! Die Weste ich eines dieser besonderen Pieces, ich werde jetzt sicher öfter vorbeischauen.
    Liebe Grüße ♡Kristina

  • Reply
    Reni E.
    16. Juli 2017 at 10:52

    Du bist mal wieder ein richtiger Hingucker. Kein Wunder, dass du fotografiert worden bist.
    Viel Erfolg im Studium.
    LG Reni

  • Reply
    20. Juli 2017 at 11:00

    Du bist mal wieder ein richtiger Hingucker. Kein Wunder, dass du fotografiert worden bist.
    Viel Erfolg im Studium.
    brautkleider online bestellen

  • Reply
    20. Juli 2017 at 12:58

    Die Weste ist total cool, sieht klasse aus!

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