Outfit Thoughts

The colorful wrap shirt from Zara / or bye, bye Berlin!

wrap shirt zara

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It all seems like this post will be about this colorful wrap shirt from Zara, but actually there is so much going on in my life at the moment, I thought it would be good to write it down in a blog post – for all of you that don’t follow me on instagram/story, cause there I basically keep you updated every day.

Yesterday I left Berlin. Probably many of you didn’t even know me „before Berlin“, but actually I only lived in Berlin for 11 months. Almost a whole year in which I worked a lot on Ranhelwa, being surrounded by so many opportunities and people from the blogger-ecosystem to help me progress with my blog and social media channels.  However, the actual reason why I moved to Berlin was to do two internships and gain work experience before I start my Master’s degree. Berlin was never my final destination, but more one amazing stop on the journey, that in fact does not have a final destination yet.

I’ve been living in so many different cities during the last five years, I cannot tell you which one is my base. And now a new city is being added to my list – Copenhagen! Well, until recently, I did not even know that I will end up there. I applied for a couple Master’s degrees all over Europe and changed my mind about my first priority choice several times until one day I simply knew, that Copenhagen Business School is what I want. I got my acceptance two weeks ago, and then everything went so fast – I moved out, now Im home and in two more days I will take the train to Copenhagen… with as much clothes as possible!! That will be a challenge though …

I must say, the whole time no real excitement came up. I was a bit stressed about moving out and actually very sad about leaving. On my last night in Berlin, I invited all the new friends I made during one year and realized that I would love to spend more time with them. It’s hard to make new friends, real friends that you can trust. At some point you are just tired of socializing and you want to be with the people that you really like and that know the real you. Of course I will not loose them, but distance is a challenge, especially when you are busy making new friends in a new location. But distance also shows how much you actually mean to people or how much they mean to you. You cannot stay in contact with every person you know, but definitely with the ones you love. You will find the time for that.

I feel like I grew a lot in Berlin. Cliché – but Berlin made me tougher. Berlin is such a free city, with all kinds of people and lifestyles – which of course can intimidate people who are not used to that. Coming from Münster, Maastricht and Sydney, cities that are far from creepy, I must admit, I was one of those people. During my first few weeks I felt uncomfortable, almost scared. Now I know that there is no need to. Yes, Berlin is dirty and looks creepy, but that does not mean that people are just that. At one point you realize, even the creepy looking drug dealer at your street is just doing his own thing and does not care at all about you. No need to be scared of anything. Honestly, I was welcomed with open arms by most people.

I took something from every city I lived in, form every person I met. Five years ago I was a different person… and now I am curious what Copenhagen will contribute to my life. I guess, the excitement has arrived.

// I’m Wearing:
Shirt – ZARA
Jeans – Edited the Label
Bag – Michael Kors
Shoes – Maripé via Zum Norde

wrap shirt zara wrap shirt zara wrap shirt zara wrap shirt zara wrap shirt zara wrap shirt zara wrap shirt zara wrap shirt zara

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  • Reply
    27. Juni 2017 at 22:29

    So ein wunderschöner Look, ich liebe die kleinen Details, wie z.B. die tolle Schnürung an den Beinen. Sieht super aus, genau so die Bilder. Die Location würde ich mir auch wünschen.
    Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Spaß und Glück in Kopenhagen. :)

    LG Pierre von Milk&Sugar

  • Reply
    Reni E.
    28. Juni 2017 at 17:13

    I have just been in Copenhagen and I’m sure you will love it! I have never seen so many bikes in one place before.
    ❤ Reni

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