Event Outfit

Fashionweek Berlin AW17 Day One – Sophisticated Chic

Fashionweek Berlin AW17

I still remember how I felt when I went to my first fashion week in 2013 in Berlin. I was super excited, a little bit nervous but still the happiest girl on earth back then. Being able to be among all those fashion enthusiasts and watching runways shows was one of my major goals back then. I could not believe that my blog actually had made that possible… but it did. It opened up so many possibilities for me, keeping up the motivation to continue blogging. One year later, I again went to fashionweek and was way more confident. I knew how things worked – there was no need to be shy in terms of clothing or networking. The more your outfit catches attention , the better!  In the following years, my studies made it almost impossible to take a break and travel to Berlin for a week. The only thing I’ve done was to go over to Amsterdam Fashionweek for a day in 2015, but that was about it. In 2016, I was back in the fashionweek game when I was on my semester abroad and went to Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Sydney. It made me remember how much I enjoy getting inspired by new collections and aspiring as well as established designers. But most importantly for me was to connect to likewise people and make new friends.

So now that I live in Berlin, there are no barriers to going to fashionweek anymore. After 2.5 years, I finally attended Berlin Fashionweek AW17 again – and I am happy to say that my expectations were not too high. I had an amazing time with great people and of course, great fashion… even though I froze my ass off in my outfits… ;)

// I’m Wearing:
Pullover – ZARA
Skirt – Kookai Australia
Belt – NA-KD
Boots* – Konstantin Starke via Zumnorde
Bag – Stella McCartney

Shop the Look:

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  • Reply
    22. Januar 2017 at 20:18

    Wirklich ein sehr sehr hübsches Outfit!
    LG Eli

  • Reply
    23. Januar 2017 at 12:03

    So ein tolles Outfit, du Hübsche ♥ Ich folge dir schon lange bei Instagram, aber hab es irgendwie noch nicht auf deinen Blog geschafft -das ändert sich ab jetzt auf jeden Fall!!! :-) Die Show von danny Reinke schaut ja auch fanatstisch aus, mega Bilder :-)


  • Reply
    23. Januar 2017 at 18:03

    Der Look steht dir echt gut, ich finde den Sweater sehr hübsch!

  • Reply
    26. Januar 2017 at 15:22

    Der Pullover und die Overknees sehen einfach toll aus, der Gürtel da um die Taille ist perfekt!<3
    Liebe Grüße aus München



  • Reply
    11. April 2021 at 0:41

    Very beautiful, sensual and feminine.

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