
Love me Tender with my new favorite bag from Pinko

pinko love me tender

I always say that one day I will buy an amazing designer bag. Damn, those Chloé Faye bags are just so beautiful. I go to a department store, bag section, and try on this designer piece worth 1600€. Damn again, it looks so good on me – but then I just go home. This has been me for the last couple of months, maybe even years. I am pretty much aware that I am a mess when in comes to shopping. My closet is bursting from all sides and I could make a new combination each day until probably the end of my life and I would not have to repeat one single look. Thinking about all the stuff I have and still wanting more makes me sick sometimes. But then I see the next thing I like and totally feel it’s worth buying it. My consumerism is unreasonable and I know there would be so many better things to do with this money. Not quite sure if saying that the economy needs me to spend my money in order keep it going counts as a valid argument. This conflict in my mind is always present and I can say, finally with a good consciousness, that I just cannot square with my conscience to spend so much money on a bag, no matter how pretty it is and no matter how many fashionbloggers advertise for it. Honestly, maybe this one will change one day, at a different stage in life, but I dont know now.

So anyway, I still needed (okay wrong word again), wanted a new bag, which is premium quality, but of course not in the Chloé price range… and I found this beautiful bag from the Pinko Love me Tender Capsule Collection. And I bought it. And my mind is not kicking my ass… which means it was a good decision.

// I’m Wearing:
Teddy Jacket – Irisies.com
Mom Jeans – Monki
Turtleneck – ASOS
Watch – Daniel Wellington Black Edition (15% off with „ranhelwa“)
Bag – Pinko Love me Tender


Earrings // Mom Jeans // Turtleneck // Pinko Love me Tender Bag Black + Red // Socks // Boots // Daniel Wellington Black Edition

90s look pinko love me tender daniel wellington black edition net socks topshop
90s Look
pinko bag pinko bag daniel_wellington_black_edition pinko-love-me-tender-tasche

90s creolen


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  • Reply
    7. Dezember 2016 at 15:53

    Ein sehr schönes Outfit :)
    Die Tasche finde ich echt cool und Momjeans liebe ich sowieso ;)

    Liebe Grüße auch aus Münster,
    Genevieve // http://www.stylingkitchen.com

  • Reply
    10. Dezember 2016 at 18:12

    Toller Look Süße! Gute Entscheidung ;) Ich bin auch total verliebt in die Chloe Faye Handtaschen – aber es ist einfach so unglaublich viel Geld! 400 Euro und sie hinge schon längst in meinem Schrank x)
    Du sieht im übrigen wie immer umwerfend aus.

    xxx, Rina von https://darlingrina.wordpress.com/2016/12/10/blue-from-head-to-toe/

  • Reply
    11. Dezember 2016 at 10:09

    Die Fotos sind echt toll :) Dein Stil gefällt mir super gut! Und du hast sehr schöne Haare wenn ich das mal so sagen darf :D Gebürtig komme ich übrigens aus dem Münsterland :)

    Liebe Grüße,

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