
The Cool Button-Up Dungaree Jeans Dress


As you know by now, I am a big fan of denim. Yes, all sorts of denim – I was even about to buy myself a denim bikini this summer, but I just did not find the perfect one. So obviously, I also liked this Dungaree Jeans Dress when I received it and directly had to put it on when the weather was finally nice outside. With a striped turtle neck, my bright red duffle bag from Charles & Keith and my super-comfy Birkenstocks the ideal summer look was created. For colder days one could also simply wear a long-sleeved top and boots with it… maybe even stockings, although I prefer denim with skin color … especially when you are still tanned from your latest vacation (Can this tan please last forever?!)  :)

Anyway, let me update you a little bit about my life. I have moved to Berlin now almost two weeks ago and successfully started my internship. While work is absolutely fun, I am still having some doubts about Berlin. I guess I was just too spoiled in beautiful Sydney, so that I am not really used to „Berlin-kind-of“ cities. Loads of graffitis and very, very…. very alternative people on the street seem kinda scary to me at first. But hopefully I will learn to like this city within the next six months once I have explored it. Also I hope to quickly find some bloggers to regularly shoot outfit photos for the blog… so if you are form Berlin and up for that – let me know!

// What I am Wearing:
Dungaree Jeans Dress – Clockhouse (here)
Top – River Island (similar here)
Bag – Charles & Keith 
Sandals – Birkenstock (here)
Watch – Nicole Vienna
dungaree Jeans Dress

Dungaree Jeans Dress

Dungaree Jeans dress




charles and keith

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