
Layering Dresses over shirts or turtlenecks for Autumn

Layering dresses over shirts – or tops over shirts – is a trend that I actually had to „get used to“. However stupid this may sound, there is an actual scientific concept lying behind the fact that we kinda need to warm up with certain trends. Let me turn on the geeky mode for a bit: There is this phenomenon called „The Mere-Exposure Effect“, which basically says the more you are familiar with something, the more you will like it! So the more you are exposed to a certain trend – seeing it in magazines, on the street, on your social feed – the more you will subconsciously develop a positive attitude towards it. We also know it from certain foods or drinks. The first sip of coffee was awful, but the more often you drank it, the more you started liking it. Funnily, that even works for people… the more you get to know someone, the more attractive you will find him/her. Okay, geek-mode off.

Anyway, I saw this trend so many times that I had to give it a try myself. The perfect cami dress was easily found and a turtleneck as well; added some slay overknees and I fell in love with the look. Congrats fashion world, it worked … I guess I just became a big fan of layering dresses now, but that’s alright because it was about time for new, more radical trends I think. Oh by the way, this outfit was my look for the Aveda Master Jam 2016 I attended last weekend in Milan – read more about it here and here.

// I’m Wearing:
Cami Dress – Topshop
Turtleneck – H&M
Bag – Stella McCartney
Watch – Armani Watches
Overknees – Rapisardi
Lipstick – Mac Chili


Cami Dress // Turtleneck // Stella McCartney Bag // Cluse Watch // Mac Chili Lipstick // Vagabond Overknees

overknees_rapisardi camisole-dress hair_curls layering_dress layering_kleid_rollkragen layering_dress_turtleneck curlyhairlove

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  • Reply
    19. Oktober 2016 at 18:10

    Wow mega cooler Look! Ich liebe diese Kleinform um sie mit einem T Shirt drunter zu kombinieren und mit den Overknees wird der Look herbsttauglich!!
    Total super!
    LG Eli

  • Reply
    19. Oktober 2016 at 19:19

    Was für ein toller Look :)
    Die Overknees runden das ganze Outfit auf und sehen so gut aus.
    xx Katha

  • Reply
    19. Oktober 2016 at 22:54

    Ich liebe diese slip-dress & T-Shirt layering momentan total! Selbst zieh ich manchmal sogar ne jeans drunter, bin so verfroren :D

    Liebst Julia

  • Reply
    23. Oktober 2016 at 0:20

    Du siehst richtig hübsch aus, mag den Look total gerne!

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