
yaaaaaay !

Ich bin so froh, dass nun alle Prüfungen vorbei sind und bin deshalb erstmal direkt mit meinen Mädels Cocktails trinken gegangen!
Die mündliche Prüfung hat so ziemlich meine Nerven strapaziert… aber nun kann ich wenigstens sagen, dass ich mein Abitur schon so gut wie in der Tasche habe :) …echt ’n tolles Gefühl.

Hier noch eben mein heutiges Outfit:
Morgen treff ich mich übrigens mit der Yvoooooonne (von der werdet ihr schon bald mehr erfahren ;) ), um ein paar meine Lieblingsoutfits zu fotographieren! Freu mich schon! 

Top H&M, Rock Primark, Tasche ZARA

I am sooo happy, that I have finished all of my finals for the A-levels! Of course, me and my girls went out for cocktails tonight and we had so much fun!
Today’s oral exam has really driven me nuts, but at least I can say that I am soon getting my Alevels. It is a great feeling :)

So this was my today’s outfit.
And by the way, I am totally excited for tomorrow, as  I am going to meet um with lovely Yvonne ( Soon you will hear more about her), to take some nice outfit photos :)

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  • Reply
    Jing Qi
    22. Mai 2012 at 7:38

    Congrats on finishing your A levels! I went wild after mine too haha. Love your blog and all the fashion inspiration, followed you on GFC, would you like to follow each other? Do let me know xx


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    Diana (double-ganger)
    22. Mai 2012 at 13:35

    Hi! you have a great blog! please check out my blog and if you like, please follow me on Google Friend Connect & Bloglovin, I promise to do the same for you!

  • Reply
    22. Mai 2012 at 13:58

    look so adorable<3

  • Reply
    Jing Qi
    22. Mai 2012 at 17:44

    hi sweetheart, thank you for the comment on my blog! i can’t seem to find your name in my followers list, mind following again? thank you xx

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